Many vehicle owners are uncertain about tune-ups – what are they exactly and how often are they needed? A tune-up is basically a couple of preventative and general maintenance items that will make sure that your vehicle is running well and that necessary parts are replaced or cleaned.
Your vehicle’s owner’s manual will indicate the proper interval for your vehicle in regards to how often you should have a tune-up performed. We usually recommend a tune-up every 20-30k miles or whenever your vehicle has dropped noticeably in performance and fuel efficiency.
A tune-up helps to boost the overall performance of your vehicle and restore your vehicle back to top working condition. Depending on the make, model, and age of your vehicle, the specific services that your vehicle may need for a tune up will vary. A typical tune up service may include one or more of the following services:
- Check belts & hoses
- Computer diagnostics
- Engine filter replacement
- Engine & fuel system inspection
- Spark plug replacement
- Timing & Idle adjustment
If your vehicle is due for a tune-up or it has been a while since you’ve had your vehicle tuned, don’t hesitate to bring your vehicle into our shop here at Motorhaus or give us a call today to make an appointment!